Benny Andersson (* 1946), Björn Ulvaeus (* 1945)

Our Last Summer

Young Brass Band

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Auteur / Componist:
3:40 minuten
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:


An exciting arrangement where almost all players have a bit of the melody line. There are many opportunities to give individual musicians soloistic challenges. Any bandmember should find something interesting in this piece. It will be possible to add vocals to the arrangement. A lovely melody with great expressions.

Our Last Summer" is a song by the Swedish pop group ABBA from their seventh studio album, "Super Trouper," released in 1980. The song is indeed featured in the musical "Mamma Mia!", a little bit shortened and with small changes in the lyrics. The musical premiered in London's West End in 1999 and is a duet performed by the characters Harry Bright and Donna Sheridan, reflecting on their past romance during a summer spent in Paris.

The song is primarily sung by Björn Ulvaeus, with backing vocals provided by Agnetha Fältskog and Anni-Frid Lyngstad, the female members of ABBA. Their harmonies contribute to the song's nostalgic and wistful atmosphere. The lyrics vividly describe the memories of the summer spent together, including scenes of walking along the Seine River in Paris and listening to French songs. The song also touches on the passage of time and the realization that the summer romance has ended.

While not released as an official single in most countries, "Our Last Summer" still received considerable airplay and became a fan favorite. It charted in some European countries and has remained popular among ABBA fans over the years.

Veiligheids- en productbronnen


Norsk Musikkforlag AS, Konows gate 67 B, 0196 Oslo, NO,

Verantwoordelijke in de EU

Stretta Music GmbH, Ochsenfurter Straße 6, 97246 Eibelstadt, DE,

77,40  €
Levertijd: 3–5 weken
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