James Curnow (* 1943)

Great Carols

Instrumental Solos for Christmas

J. Curnow: Great Carols, Pos/BarEupFg (+CD) (0)J. Curnow: Great Carols, Pos/BarEupFg (+CD) (1)J. Curnow: Great Carols, Pos/BarEupFg (+CD) (2)J. Curnow: Great Carols, Pos/BarEupFg (+CD) (3)J. Curnow: Great Carols, Pos/BarEupFg (+CD) (4)

Joy to the World (Demo)

Jo to the World (Play-Along)

Ding Dong Merrily on High (Demo)

Trombone [bariton/euphonium/fagot]
Bladmuziek, playback-CD
Auteur / Componist:
32 pagina’s; 22,5 × 30,5 cm
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:


Great Carols is a collection of some of the world's greatest Christmas carols, delightfully arranged in fresh settings by some of the foremost composers in the instrumental field. This product is specifically designed to be flexible by the inclusion of optional cued notes, allowing the performer to choose the difficulty level that is appropriate for them.

The accompaniment CD (included in the solo book) provides a demonstration performance of each solo. It also allows the soloist to practice or perform with the CD when an accompanist is not available.


  • Angels we have heard on high
  • Ding dong merily on high
  • Good Christian men rejoice
  • He is born
  • It came upon a midnight clear
  • Joy to the world
  • O come Emmanuel
  • O come all ye faithful
  • O little town of Bethlehem
  • What child is this
19,40  €
Levertijd: 2–3 weken
op de verlanglijst

Aanverwante artikelen

Great Carols, MelCKlavOrg (Klavbegl)

Great Carols

Instrumental Solos for Christmas

voor: Melodie instrument (c), piano [orgel]

Bladmuziek (pianobegeleiding)

Artikelnr.: 368905

21,40  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 2–3 weken
Onlangs bekeken
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