- A Benkschaft
- A Chuzpe
- A Kasche (Tango)
- A najer Tanz
- Am Tajchl
- Das verzauberte Pferd
- Di Klezmorim
- Dos Kezele
- Friling
- Glik (Waltz)
- Im Stedtl
- Im Wald (Hora)
- Joschke
- Klezmorim dahejm
- Lechajim
- Masl un Maschke
- More-Schchojre
17 Klezmer Tunes
– Bladmuziek
voor: 1-2 Violinen und Klavier; Kontrabass ad libitum
This edition contains klezmer tunes for 1-2 violins with piano accompaniment sometimes lively and sweeping, sometimes soft and lyrical! Of easy to intermediate difficulty, the pieces are a valuable addition to music lessons and are suitable for both concert performances and music-making at home. If there is no pianist available, the tracks can be used as a duo partner. In addition, chord symbols allow for accompaniment with the guitar or other instruments. Further editions by Joachim Johow: My Blue Violin (ED 21767), The Merry Fiddler (ED 21768), Coffee & Violin (ED 22670).
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Eine Sammlung leichter bis mittelschwerer Spielstücke
voor: 1–2 violen, piano
Partituur, losse partij, playback-CD
Artikelnr.: 347019
A stockingful of 32 easy pieces for violin
voor: 1–2 violen; piano [gitaar/accordeon] ad lib.
Speelpartituur, playback-CD
Artikelnr.: 155099
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