Rockschool: Vocals Grade 7

6 Hit Songs for Grade 7

Rockschool: Vocals Grade 7, GesFKlv (+OnlAudio) (0)Rockschool: Vocals Grade 7, GesFKlv (+OnlAudio) (1)Rockschool: Vocals Grade 7, GesFKlv (+OnlAudio) (2)Rockschool: Vocals Grade 7, GesFKlv (+OnlAudio) (3)Rockschool: Vocals Grade 7, GesFKlv (+OnlAudio) (4)
Vrouwen stem, piano
Bladmuziek, online audio
66 pagina’s
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Rockschool is about singing the songs you love. Your Vocals Grade 7 book contains six of the biggest tracks from the past six decades arranged for you to sing for your Grade 7 exam. This book also includes examples of all the supporting tests found in the Rockschool Grade 7 exam.

Other features include:
Fact Files: band and artists background information with recommended listening.
Backing tracks: high quality recordings to sing along to in Rockschool exams.
Downloadable audio: use your download card for easy access to your audio.
Vocal scores: easy-to-follow separate Vocals scores.
Piano and Guitar parts: Piano notation and Guitar chords included to help with practice.

Find out more about the Rockschool 2014–2017 Vocals Syllabus at


  • Estelle: American Boy
  • Shirley Bassey: Big Spender
  • Leona Lewis: Bleeding Love
  • Emeli Sandé: Heaven
  • I Dreamed A Dream (Les Miserables)
  • 4 Non Blondes: What's Up?
26,00  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (Nederland)
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