Adam Saunders

Theory for Rock & Pop Musicians Volume 1

A Practical Introduction to Contemporary Music Theory

A. Saunders: Theory for Rock & Pop Musicia, Ges/Mel (+OnlAu) (0)A. Saunders: Theory for Rock & Pop Musicia, Ges/Mel (+OnlAu) (1)A. Saunders: Theory for Rock & Pop Musicia, Ges/Mel (+OnlAu) (2)A. Saunders: Theory for Rock & Pop Musicia, Ges/Mel (+OnlAu) (3)A. Saunders: Theory for Rock & Pop Musicia, Ges/Mel (+OnlAu) (4)A. Saunders: Theory for Rock & Pop Musicia, Ges/Mel (+OnlAu) (5)A. Saunders: Theory for Rock & Pop Musicia, Ges/Mel (+OnlAu) (6)
Zangstem [melodieinstrument]
Muziek lesboek, online audio
Auteur / Componist:
168 pagina’s
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:


This book will provide you with a clear understanding of the fundamentals of popular music theory, accelerate your aural skills, and take your musicianship to the next level. It will demystify the key terms related to harmony, melody, rhythm, and structure through practical exercises and audio tracks. It covers concepts related to drums, bass, guitar, keyboard, and vocals and is suitable for every contemporary musician.

This is the book for you if you are:

  • interested in exploring the musical concepts and theories underpinning contemporary music
  • taking a graded Rock & Pop exam and looking to further develop your understanding of the theory behind the repertoire
  • studying Music or Music Technology in secondary, further, or vocational education
  • aspiring to study popular music at university and want to understand the essentials to help you prepare for auditions and entrance exams
  • a classically trained musician or music teacher and want to widen your knowledge of popular music theory


  • Pulse and Rhythm
  • Musical Building Blocks
  • Harmony
  • Melody
  • Appendix
28,10  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (Nederland)
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Aanverwante artikelen

A. Saunders: Theory for Rock & Pop Musicia, Ges/Mel (+OnlAu)
Adam Saunders

Theory for Rock & Pop Musicians Volume 2

A Practical Introduction to Contemporary Music Theory

voor: Zangstem [melodieinstrument]

Muziek lesboek, online audio

Artikelnr.: 1715373

30,50  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (nl)
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