John Williams (* 1932)

Selections from Harry Potter

Complete Film Series
Instrumental Solos for Violin and Piano

J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (0)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (1)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (2)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (3)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (4)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (5)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (6)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (7)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (8)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (9)J. Williams: Selections from Harry Potter, VlKlav (10)

Harry's Wondrous World (demo)

Harry's Wondrous World (playalong)

Leaving Hogwarts (demo)

Viool, piano
Solopartij, pianobegeleiding, online-audio
Auteur / Componist:
108 pagina’s; 23 × 30,5 cm
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:
ALF 39235


This book is part of Alfred's Harry Potter Instrumental Solos series arranged for Violin, Viola, and Cello. All string instrument arrangements are fully compatible and can be successfully performed as ensembles or solos.

Each book includes piano accompaniments, a removable string part, and a fully orchestrated accompaniment online audio, which features each song as a live performance demo track followed by a play-along track. Due to level considerations regarding keys and instrument ranges, the string instrument arrangements are not compatible with the wind instrument arrangements in this series.


  • Double Trouble
  • Family Portrait
  • Farewell to Dobby
  • Fawkes the Phoenix
  • Fireworks
  • Harry in Winter
  • Harry’s Wondrous World
  • Hedwig’s Theme
  • Hogwarts’ Hymn
  • Hogwarts’ March
  • Leaving Hogwarts
  • Lily’s Theme
  • Obliviate
  • Statues
  • A Window to the Past
  • Wizard Wheezes

Veiligheids- en productbronnen


Alfred Music, 285 Century Pl, CO 80027 Louisville, Colorado, US,

Verantwoordelijke in de EU

Alfred Music Publishing GmbH, Lützerathstraße 127, 51107 Köln, DE,

34,60  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (Nederland)
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