Classic Movie Instrumental Solos (Violin)

13 well-known film-tunes for violin and piano
Pop Instrumental Solos Series

Classic Movie Instrumental Solos - Violine, VlKlav (+CD) (0)Classic Movie Instrumental Solos - Violine, VlKlav (+CD) (1)Classic Movie Instrumental Solos - Violine, VlKlav (+CD) (2)Classic Movie Instrumental Solos - Violine, VlKlav (+CD) (3)Classic Movie Instrumental Solos - Violine, VlKlav (+CD) (4)Classic Movie Instrumental Solos - Violine, VlKlav (+CD) (5)Classic Movie Instrumental Solos - Violine, VlKlav (+CD) (6)Classic Movie Instrumental Solos - Violine, VlKlav (+CD) (7)

Cantina Band (Demo)

Cantina Band (Play-Along)

James Bond Theme (Demo)

Viool, piano
Piano-partituur, solopartij, playback-CD
72 pagina’s; 21 × 30 cm
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:


This series contains 12 of the most famous classic movie instrumental solos, all arranged and edited for the Level 2--3 player. Also included is a CD featuring a full-performance version of each song, followed by a play-along track.


  • Ding dong the witch is dead
  • Cantina band
  • Concerning Hobbits
  • James Bond Theme
  • Gonna fly now
  • Raiders march
  • Family portrait
  • Hedwig's theme
  • Star wars main theme
  • In dreams
  • Song from Mash (Suicide is painless)
  • Over the rainbow

Veiligheids- en productbronnen


Alfred Music, 285 Century Pl, CO 80027 Louisville, Colorado, US,

Verantwoordelijke in de EU

Alfred Music Publishing GmbH, Lützerathstraße 127, 51107 Köln, DE,

21,40  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (Nederland)
op de verlanglijst

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Alfred's Instrumental Play-Along

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Solopartij, pianobegeleiding, playback-CD

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21,40  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 2–3 weken
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Amazing Grace (Demo)

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Instrumental Solos for Violin
Alfred's Instrumental Play-Along

voor: Viool, piano

Piano-partituur, solopartij, playback-CD

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21,40  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 2–3 weken
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City of Stars (Demo)

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Instrumental Solos
Songs and Themes from the latest Movies and Television Shows
Alfred's Instrumental Play-Along

voor: Viool

Bladmuziek, playback-CD

Artikelnr.: 679876

18,30  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (nl)
Onlangs bekeken
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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