Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918)



Henle Urtext Editions

C. Debussy: Danses, Hrf/Stro (KlavpaSt) (0)C. Debussy: Danses, Hrf/Stro (KlavpaSt) (1)C. Debussy: Danses, Hrf/Stro (KlavpaSt) (2)C. Debussy: Danses, Hrf/Stro (KlavpaSt) (3)
Harp, strijkorkest
Pianopartituur, solopartij
Auteur / Componist:
48 pagina’s; 23 × 30,5 cm
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:
HN 1584


Debussy wrote these two short dances to a commission from the instrument-making firm of Pleyel, which was keen to use famous names in the marketing of its newly-developed chromatic harp. The dances are also playable without problem on the pedal harp, which was to replace the chromatic harp on the concert platform. The archaic style of the pieces, including modal harmonies, used to express a “sacred” rite and a “profane” dance of joy, points to the enthusiasm for antiquity of Debussy himself and of the artistic world around 1900. Ours is the first critical edition of the pieces, and is based on careful checking of the autograph and first edition. Practical support has been provided by the well-known harpist Margit-Anna Süss-Schellenberger, who has arranged the solo part of this Urtext edition for modern harp.


  • Danse sacrée
  • Danse profane
17,40  €
Levertijd: 3–6 werkdagen (Nederland)
op de verlanglijst
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Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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