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Joe Duddell (* 1972)

Temporal Keys

for solo organ
Edition Schott

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Productie nr.:
ED 13348 Q19047


Joe Duddell's music is not bound to any one genre: he has taken on projects with dubstep pioneers, like Nero, alongside commissions for concertos. His ethereal work for solo organ contrasts intricate and highly rhythmic sequences with a slow moving harmonic structure and in the resulting 10-minute work, influence can be heard from both sacred and electronic music. The initial patterns repeat, overlap, and subtly change to create a slowly evolving wash of glorious harmony. Duddell makes use of the varied colours of the organ, beginning with a subdued treble and working to an exhilarating, full bellow. Temporal Keys would make an excellent addition to the repertoire of any enthusiastic organist.

Schott Music Ltd., London

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Schott Music GmbH & Co. KG, Weihergarten 5, 55116 Mainz, DE,

14,30  €
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