Antonín Dvořák (1841 – 1904)

Humoresques op. 101

A. Dvo_ák: Humoresken op. 101, Klav (0)A. Dvo_ák: Humoresken op. 101, Klav (1)A. Dvo_ák: Humoresken op. 101, Klav (2)A. Dvo_ák: Humoresken op. 101, Klav (3)A. Dvo_ák: Humoresken op. 101, Klav (4)
Bladmuziek (Urtext)
Auteur / Componist:
40 pagina’s; 23,5 × 31 cm
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:
HN 1044


In the summer of 1894, Antonín Dvorák interrupted his stay in America in order to spend his holidays back in his homeland of Bohemia. During those happy weeks, he wrote his eight Humoresques for piano. But this music is not by no means as "Bohemian" as one might suppose. We know that Dvorák had already sketched some of the material for these pieces in New York, and there are also indications that the composer initially considered writing a series of Scottish dances.

In other words, these are thoroughly international pieces, with an inflexion all of their own. And they are of a medium level of difficulty, enabling pianists of all ages to discover a lot more than just the famous, catchy tune of no. 7. This Henle Urtext edition is based on the first print, which the editors have carefully checked against the autograph.


  • ​Vivace
    Humoreske es-moll 101,1
  • ​Poco andante
    Humoreske H-dur op. 101,2
  • ​Poco andante e molto cantabile
    Humoreske As-dur op. 101,3
  • ​Poco andante
    Humoreske F-dur op. 101,4
  • ​Vivace
    Humoreske a-moll op. 101,5
  • ​Poco allegretto
    Humoreske H-dur op. 101,6
  • ​Poco lento e grazioso
    Humoreske Ges-dur op. 101,7
  • ​Poco andante
    Humoreske b-moll op. 101,8

Veiligheids- en productbronnen


G. Henle Verlag e.K., Forstenrieder Allee 122, 81476 München, DE,

11,30  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (Nederland)
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Onlangs bekeken
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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