Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714 – 1787)

Orpheus and Eurydice

Azione teatrale per musica in three acts
Vienna version 1762
Bärenreiter Urtext

C.W. Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice (Orpheus un, Ges3Gch4Orch (KA) (0)C.W. Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice (Orpheus un, Ges3Gch4Orch (KA) (1)C.W. Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice (Orpheus un, Ges3Gch4Orch (KA) (2)C.W. Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice (Orpheus un, Ges3Gch4Orch (KA) (3)C.W. Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice (Orpheus un, Ges3Gch4Orch (KA) (4)C.W. Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice (Orpheus un, Ges3Gch4Orch (KA) (5)
3 solisten (SSA), gemengd koor (SATB), orkest
Piano-uittreksel (Urtext)
Auteur / Componist:
Duits, Italiaans
164 pagina’s; 27 × 19 cm
Jaar van herkomst:
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:
BA 5845-90


Instrumentation: Soprano solo (2), Alto solo, Mixed choir (SATB), Ballett, Flute (2), Chalumeau (2), Oboe (2), Cor anglais (2), Bassoon (2), Cornet (2), Horn (2), Trumpet (2), Trombone (3), Timpani, Harp, Violin (2), Harpsichord, Violoncello, Double bass

The premiere of the Azione teatrale “Orfeo ed Euridice” took place in Vienna in 1762 and plays a significant role in the history of the music theatre.

With this work, the composer for the first time rejected the rigid conventions of the Italian opera seria and made an important first contribution towards the renewal of opera genre.

In collaboration with his librettist Calzabigi, Gluck reduced the plot to its essentials and freed it from the typical political and romantic intrigues which prevailed at that time. The choir takes on a larger role and the ballet is integrated into the plot. Solo and choral parts, instrumental music as well as pantomime and dance are closely connected. The style of singing has a natural simplicity and coloratura is largely abandoned. This stands in stark contrast to the vocal acrobatics of opera seria.


  • ​Distribuzione delle parti / Besetzung / Ensemble
  • ​Vorwort
  • ​Preface
  • ​Prefazione
  • ​Argomento / Handlung / Plot
  • ​Balli / Tänze / Ballets
  • ​Indice delle scene e dei numeri / Verzeichnis der Szenen und Nummern / Index of Scenes and Numbers
  • Orfeo ed Euridice (Orpheus und Eurydike). Azione teatrale per musica in drei Akten (Wiener Fassung von 1762):
    ​Gluck, Christoph Willibald
    ​Text: Calzabigi, Ranieri de'
    ​Besetzung: Soprane solo (2), Alt solo, Gemischter Chor, Orchester
  • ​Ouvertüre
  • ​Erster Akt
  • ​Zweiter Akt
  • ​Dritter Akt

Veiligheids- en productbronnen


Bärenreiter-Verlag Karl Vötterle GmbH & Co. KG, Heinrich-Schütz-Allee 35-37, 34131 Kassel, DE,

42,30  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (Nederland)
op de verlanglijst
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Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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