Edward Huws Jones (* 1948)

Violin Star 3 - Student's Book

Violin Star (ABRSM)

E. Huws Jones: Violin Star 3 - Student's Book, Viol (+CD) (0)E. Huws Jones: Violin Star 3 - Student's Book, Viol (+CD) (1)E. Huws Jones: Violin Star 3 - Student's Book, Viol (+CD) (2)E. Huws Jones: Violin Star 3 - Student's Book, Viol (+CD) (3)

Glitter Ball (Demo)

Glitter Ball (Play-Along)

Estampie (Demo)

Bladmuziek, CD
Auteur / Componist:
28 pagina’s
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:


Violin Star is a three-book series offering beginner violinists refreshing and inspirational pieces to build confidence and musical skills. The repertoire is tailored to develop specific techniques through a range of musical styles. This Student's book contains solo violin parts, along with colourful illustrations, activities and playalong CD.


  • Glitter Ball
  • Bravo, Bravissimo [Trad.]
  • Festou Noz [Tomas Breton]
  • Eynhallow Sound
  • Glanbran [Trad. Welsh]
  • The Blue Danube [Johann Strauss II]
  • Fandango
  • For He's a Jolly Good Fellow [Trad.]
  • The Basket of Turf [Trad. Irish]
  • The Punk's Delight [Trad. English]
  • Mr Kool
  • The Quaker's Grace [Cesar Franck]
  • Daydream
  • Mattachins [Trad. French]
  • Estampie [Trad. French]
  • Haley's Comet
  • Morag's Medicine
  • Uskudar [Trad. Turkish]
  • Bamboo in the Breeze [Trad. Chinese]
  • Oh Father! [Trad. Klezmer]
  • Venetian Gondola Song [Felix Mendelssohn]
  • Tsamikos [Trad. Greek]
  • Old Joe Clark [Trad. American]
  • Monsieur de Caix's Fanfare [d'Hervelois]
  • Baba Mnumzane [Trad. South African]
  • Fiela [Trad. South African]

Veiligheids- en productbronnen


ABRSM Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, 4 London Wall Place, EC2Y 5A London, GB, contact@abrsm.org

Verantwoordelijke in de EU

Stretta Music GmbH, Ochsenfurter Straße 6, 97246 Eibelstadt, DE, info@stretta-music.com

16,30  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (Nederland)
op de verlanglijst

Aanverwante artikelen

E. Huws Jones: Violin Star 1 - Student's Book, Viol (+CD)

Big Ben (demo)

Edward Huws Jones

Violin Star 1 - Student's Book

Violin Star (ABRSM)

voor: Viool

Bladmuziek, CD

Artikelnr.: 605599

13,20  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (nl)
E. Huws Jones: Violin Star 1 - Accompaniment Book, Viol
Edward Huws Jones

Violin Star 1 - Accompaniment Book

Violin Star (ABRSM)

voor: Viool


Artikelnr.: 497981

16,90  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (nl)
E. Huws Jones: Violin Star 2 - Student's Book, Viol (+CD)

Gypsy Fiddle (Demo)

Edward Huws Jones

Violin Star 2 - Student's Book

voor: Viool

Bladmuziek, playback-CD

Artikelnr.: 618184

15,30  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (nl)
E. Huws Jones: Violin Star 2 - Accompaniment Book, Viol
Edward Huws Jones

Violin Star 2 - Accompaniment Book

Violin Star (ABRSM)

voor: Viool


Artikelnr.: 607437

19,90  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (nl)
Violin Star 3 - Accompaniment Book, 1-2Vl;Klv

Violin Star 3 - Accompaniment Book

Accompaniment Book

voor: 1–2 violen; piano ad lib.

Extra partij (Piano/Viool 2)

Artikelnr.: 607440

20,90  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 2–3 weken
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