Lewis Lockwood (* 1930)

Music in Renaissance Ferrara 1400-1505

The Creation of a Musical Center in the Fifteenth Century

L. Lockwood: Music in Renaissance Ferrara 1400-1505 (Bu) (0)
Boek (softcover)
Auteur / Componist:
432 pagina’s; 15,6 × 23,4 cm
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:
OUP 9780195378276


Based on extensive documentary and archival research, Music in Renaissance Ferrara is a study of the rise of music at a vital center of Italian Renaissance culture, focusing on the patrons and musicians whose efforts gave Ferrara a primary role in European music during the fifteenth century. The successive rulers of the Italian city-state, members of the Este dynasty, brought to Ferrara some of the most important composers of the period, including Guillaume Dufay, Johannes Martini, Jacob Obrecht, and Josquin Desprez.

Moreover, Ferrara has long been famous as the seat of activity of three of the most important poets of the period - Boiardo, Ariosto, and Tasso - as well as for its school of painting and manuscript production and illumination. With Lewis Lockwood's Music in Renaissance Ferrara, the city-state steps forward as a major musical center as well. Winner of the Otto Kinkeldey Award of the American Musicological Society for its original 1985 edition, this current paperback edition of Music in Renaissance Ferrara features a new preface that re-introduces the book and reflects on its contribution to our modern knowledge of music in the culture of the Italian Renaissance.


  • Preface/ List of Illustrations/ List of Tables/ List of Music Examples/ Archival References/ Music Manuscripts/ Introduction/ PART ONE: MUSIC AT FERRARA IN THE EARLY FIFTEENTH CENTURY
  • 1 Ferrara and the Trecento Background/
  • 2 Ferrara under Niccolò III d'Este (1393-1429), Music in the Earlier Years of Niccolò III (1400-29), Music at the Cathedral: Bartolomeo da Bologna (1405-27)/ THE PERIOD OF LEONELLO D'ESTE (1429-50)/
  • 3 Ferrara in the 1430s, The Council of Ferrara (1438)
  • 4 Feragut and Dufay
  • 5 Leonello's Rule, 1441-50; the Court Chapel
  • 6 Singers and Repertoires, The Manuscript Mod B
  • 7 Secular Music, Groups of Secular Musicians, Court Dance under Leonello
  • 8 Cathedral Music, Ugolino di Orvieto: Scholastic and Humanistic Views of Music, BORSO D'ESTE AND FERRARESE COURT CULTURE (1450-71),
  • 9: Borso as Ruler, Borso as Patron of Art and Literature; Music in the Frescoes of the Palazzo Schifanoia
  • 10 Pietrobono and the Improvisatory Tradition, Court Musicians under Borso
  • 11 A Secular Manuscript of the Borso Period: the Porto MS and Rinaldo Maria d'Este/ PART TWO: MUSIC AT FERRARA UNDER ERCOLE I D'ESTE (1471-1505)
  • 12 Ercole as Private and Public Figure
  • 13 Recruitment of Musicians in the 1470s
  • 14 Organization and Functions of the Court Musicians, The Cappella di Cantori, The Instrumentalists, Music in Daily Life
  • 15 Size and Structure of Ercole's Cappella di Cantori, National Groups, Rank and Hierarchy in the Chapel
  • 16 Some Representative Singers of Ercole's Chapel, Johannes Brebis, Magister Nicolò d'Olanda, Cornelio di Lorenzo of Antwer, Jachetto de Marvilla, Johannes Martini
  • 17 Social and Economic Structure of the Musicians, Inducements to Singers, Salaries and Status 18 Benefices, Benefices and the Strategy of Recruitment: the Case of don Philippo de Primis 19 The Last Years of Ercole's Patronage (1497-1505), Josquin Desprez at Ferrara (1503-4), Jacob Obrecht (1504-5) PART THREE: FERRARESE MUSICAL REPERTOIRES AND STYLES IN THE LATE FIFTEENTH CENTURY
  • 20 The Production of Music Manuscripts under Ercole I
  • 21 The Principal Repertoires in Ercole's Earlier Years (1471-82)
  • 22 Masses by Martini and Other Composers
  • 23 Josquin's Missa 'Hercules Dux Ferrarie'
  • 24 The Psalms, Hymns, and Other Vespers Music by Martini and Brebis
  • 25 The Motet at Ferrara
  • 26 Secular Music at the Court: Chanson and Instrumental Music, The Casanatense Chansonnier, Martini's Secular Music
  • 27 Music for Court Festivities and Theater, Music for Public Festivals, Jousts, and Special Events, Music for the Intermedi of Secular Drama, Music for Religious Spectacles/ Epilogue/
  • APPENDICES: I Sources II Documents III A Précis of Papal Letters to Duke Ercole I and Duke Alfonso I d'Este on Provisions for the Singers of the Ferrarese Court, 1487-1506 IV A Chronology of the Correspondence between Duke Ercole I d'Este and Ferrarese Ambassadors at Rome and elsewhere, on Benefices V A Chronological List of Musicians Active at Ferrara, 1377-1505/ Bibliography/ Index

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