Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)

Così fan tutte ossia La scuola degli amanti

Dramma giocoso in two acts KV 588

W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola , GsGchOrch (KA) (0)W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola , GsGchOrch (KA) (1)W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola , GsGchOrch (KA) (2)W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola , GsGchOrch (KA) (3)W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola , GsGchOrch (KA) (4)W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola , GsGchOrch (KA) (5)W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola , GsGchOrch (KA) (6)
Solisten, gemengd koor, orkest
Piano-uittreksel (Urtext)
Auteur / Componist:
Duits, Italiaans
441 pagina’s; 20 × 27 cm
180 minuten
Jaar van herkomst:
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:
BA 4606-90


  • In the space of a few months, in the autumn and winter of 1789, Mozart filled more than 650 pages of a score that shows practically no signs of mental or physical exertion. The result was one of his most profound operas, Così fan tutte , which has held listeners spellbound with its blend of bitterness and comedy to the present day. Our new easy-to-play vocal score is based on the volume edited by Faye Ferguson and Wolfgang Rehm for the New Mozart Edition (NMA II/5/18) and on the latest scholarly findings from the critical commentary published by Henning Bey and Faye Ferguson in 2003.

  • Vocal score based on the Urtext of the New Mozart Edition

  • Incorporates latest scholarly findings from the critical commentary of 2003

  • Spacious appearance on the page, performance-oriented piano reduction

  • Comprehensive preface (Ger ./ Eng.) with notes on the work and performance practice

  • Sturdy hardcover binding


  • Besetzung
  • Vorwort
  • Preface
  • Verzeichnis der Szenen und Nummern
  • Così fan tutte ossia La scuola degli amanti KV 588. Dramma giocoso in zwei Akten:
  • Ouvertüre
  • Erster Akt
  • Zweiter Akt
  • Anhang:
  • I. Ursprüngliche Arie des Guglielmo, I. Akt, 11. Szene
  • II. Alternativ-Fassung für die Takte 173–207 von No. 31

Veiligheids- en productbronnen


Bärenreiter-Verlag Karl Vötterle GmbH & Co. KG, Heinrich-Schütz-Allee 35-37, 34131 Kassel, DE, info@baerenreiter.com

66,30  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (Nederland)
op de verlanglijst

Aanverwante artikelen

W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola, GsGchOrch (Stp)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Così fan tutte ossia La scuola degli amanti

Dramma giocoso in zwei Akten KV 588
Bärenreiter Urtext

voor: Solisten, gemengd koor, orkest

Zakpartituur (Urtext)

Artikelnr.: 273566

60,20  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 3–6 werkdagen (nl)
W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola , GsGchOrch (KA)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Così fan tutte ossia La scuola degli amanti

Dramma giocoso in zwei Akten KV 588
Bärenreiter Urtext

voor: Solisten, gemengd koor, orkest

Piano-uittreksel (hardcover, Urtext)

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77,50  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 3–6 werkdagen (nl)
W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte ossia La scuola, GsGchOrch (PaH)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Così fan tutte ossia La scuola degli amanti

Dramma giocoso in two acts KV 588

voor: Solisten, gemengd koor, orkest

Partituur (hardcover, Urtext)

Artikelnr.: 338722

585,80  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 3–6 werkdagen (nl)
Placeholder image

Così fan tutte ossia La scuola degli amanti KV 588

Dramma giocoso in zwei Akten
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke (NMA) II/5/18

Boek (kritisch rapport)

Artikelnr.: 644733

73,40  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 3–6 werkdagen (nl)
Placeholder image
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Così fan tutte ossia La scuola degli amanti

Dramma giocoso in zwei Akten KV 588
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke (NMA) II/5/18

voor: Solisten, gemengd koor, orkest

Partituur (met muziekwetenschappelijke analyse)

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119,20  €incl. BTW, plus verzendkosten
Levertijd: 3–6 werkdagen (nl)

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

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Constanze Natosevic

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W.A. Mozart: Così fan tutte KV 588, GsGchOrch (PaFaks)
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Così fan tutte KV 588

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Das Arienbuch 2 – Sopran

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Fritz Hennenberg

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart



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Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (nl)
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