Stefan Nilsson (* 1955)

Lenas Song 'Fly With Me'

Single Edition for Styrian Harmonica with Tabs including Additional Parts
3 Voices & Text
from the film "As in Heaven"

S. Nilsson: Lenas Song 'Fly with me', HH;Ges (Griffs) (0)S. Nilsson: Lenas Song 'Fly with me', HH;Ges (Griffs) (1)S. Nilsson: Lenas Song 'Fly with me', HH;Ges (Griffs) (2)S. Nilsson: Lenas Song 'Fly with me', HH;Ges (Griffs) (3)
Diatonische accordeon; zangstem ad lib.
Bladmuziek (noten en tabulatuur), online audio (applicatie)
Auteur / Componist:
17 pagina’s; 21 × 29,7 cm
Uitgever / Producent:
Productie nr.:


“Lena's Song” from the movie “As It Is in Heaven” (2004), is one of Stefan Nilssons most succesful songs. The film tells the story of Daniel Dareus, a famous conductor, who returns to his idyllic Swedish hometown to recover from a heart attack.

He takes over the village's church choir and is overjoyed when he realises that he can use music to find a way into people's hearts. With his commitment as a choirmaster, he manages to help people and find new meaning in his life.

Lena, a cheerful girl with whom Daniel enters into a relationship, helps him find new courage to face life. He composes "Lena's Song" for her, describing how she freed him from his dark thoughts and fears.

This edition contains two separate arrangements that enable the player to play the song in two different styles. Either purely instrumental, or as accompaniment for a singer.

The extra melody line allows you to perform the piece with other instruments as accompaniment. The arrangements were put together by Daniel Denter.


  • Vocal Line as Tabs (incl. text)
  • Accompaniment as Yabs (incl. text)
  • Vocal Score (for B-flat/E-flat/A-Flat/D-Flat Harmonica)
  • Vocal Score (for G/C/F/B-flat Harmonica)
  • All of these voices are also suitable for piano, accordion or other melody instruments.
  • Lyric Sheet for singing/reading along.
  • Play-Along available using Michlbauer-App

Veiligheids- en productbronnen


Michlbauer GmbH, Lindenstr. 14, 6600 Reutte, AT,

16,20  €
Klaar voor verzending. Levertijd: 2–5 werkdagen (Nederland)
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